
energiewaechter GmbH
Schützenstraße 44
12165 Berlin

Phone: 030 / 797 44 41 – 0
Fax: 030 / 797 44 41 – 28

Thorsten Gusek, Birgit Wächter


Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
HRB 74279

DE 207542049

Liability Disclaimer
The content of our website was prepared with utmost diligence. However we cannot bear liability in case information should be incorrect, incomplete or outdated. As service provider we are held responsible for our own content according to § 7 Abs. 1 TMG; according to §§ 8 thru 10 TMG we cannot be held liable as service providers for foreign content of this site which may result from unlawful procedures. Other legal obligations to remove or to control access to particular content remain undisputed. When we receive notice of a concrete violation of rights we will remove this disputed content immediately.

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Our website contains links to external websites. As these websites are beyond our control, we cannot assume responsibility for their content and privacy policy. Legal liability lies exclusively with the operators of these external sites. We also expressively distance ourselves from any legal and/or disreputable content offered by these sites or from hyperlinks referring to such illegal and/or disreputable content. Should you unexpectedly be referred to such questionable content through our website, we would be grateful if you could notify us. We will process your notification as quickly as possible.

The content provided by this website is protected by copyright. The contents of this site may only be reproduced or electronically processed, copied and/or disseminated with the express written permission of energiewaechter GmbH, unless copyright explicitly states otherwise. Downloads and copies from the site are permitted only for private purposes and not for commercial use. If contents on this site are from external sources we correctly state the original source and regard its copyright. In case there is an apparent violation of which we are notified we pledge to remove the respective content.

Technical realization:
vicon Web Business Development | Internetagentur Lübeck

This Website based on Content Management System (CMS) Contao.

© VRD –
© guukaa –

Startseite: Landschaft mit Baum in der Sonne: André Lohmann/

Über uns: Energiewaechter

Leistungen: takasu, Sam Kovak, goumbik, André Lohmann/, Energiewaechter

B2B-Events: windmoon

Länder: Melbourne: pixabay/doctor-a; Sydney: pixabay/Simon; Sofia: pixabay/martoli-03; Lima: pixabay/pvdberg; London: pixabay/Nura Abdul-one; Paris: pixabay/pexels;

Athens: pixabay/caldeclara; Ungarn: pixabay/beba; Wüste Jordanien: pixabay/mkaylani; Kairo Nil: pixabay/bluedoorcuisine; Windrad NL: pixabay/dassel; Auckland: pixabay/Barni1;

Petra Jordanien: pixabay/ChiemSeherin; Warschau: pixabay/jackmac34; Puerto Rico: pixabay/mintchipdesigns; Bratislava: pixabay/Ajale; Istanbul: pixabay/xxoktayxx; New York: pixabay/dariasophia

Projekte: Energiewaechter

Referenzen: Landschaft mit Baum in der Sonne: André Lohmann/; News: viviamo; Flugzeug: Jag_cz; Mexiko: pixabay/darkside-550; Symbolbild Erneuerbare: pixabay/darkside-550;

Pueto Rico: pixabay/MariamS; Eventfotos: Energiewaechter

Kontakt: Business Würfel: takasu